Dear Avalonne

Friday, April 13, 2018

Dear Avalonne,

This time last year you were dealing with the worst nightmare of your life. [Fill in the blank] was one of the most challenging experiences of your life. It was so technically challenging; it completely drained you of your will to live. Now a year has gone by and you’re in a completely different place in your life. You’re stress and anxiety free at work, you’re finding joy and excitement in your personal life. You know what it’s like to feel bliss. You feel light, calm and zen. You’re slowly achieving balance. You need to really implement mindfulness into your daily life. You really should try to meditate on a daily basis.

Now you’re not going to look back and dwell on the past. You experienced life and you will continue to experience life, but in a different direction. You needed to experience those challenges and hardships to know that you’re strong, resilient and independent. Yes, you may have suffered for a long time in silence, but you toughed it out. You spoke up when you needed to and although, it never resulted in anything positive, you always had the courage - the courage to have a voice. You always tried to stand up for yourself. You never allowed yourself to be a victim, but you were exploited, because you were a hard worker. Maybe they didn’t mean to exploit you, but you need to put yourself first. Don’t ever compromise your physical or mental health.

You made a very big decision for yourself in October. So much changed in an instant and you really grew up in that period of time. Not only in your work life, but also in your personal life. That really is called growth and personal development.

You have already implemented a workout routine and increased the frequency since you got back into it. Before you only went to barre once a week and now you’re averaging 3-4 times a week. That’s a huge achievement. You might actually go back to cycling. Maybe even go swimming and yoga. Your diet is still a little messed up, but at least you’re not eating unhealthily, it’s just not a regulated diet. That is something to figure out for the long term, also for financial reasons. You’re going to your first candle making class tomorrow. You signed up for a perfume workshop. You’ll attend a one day intensive writing class in May. You should sign up for a glassblowing class as well. You’re learning new skills! That is so important! You also need to learn about cross stitching and screen-printing. So many things to learn.

Despite the some negativity in your life, you do have some genuinely incredible, kind and amazing people in your life to get you through it. The universe provided and you made those friendships happen and last. Any relationship takes a lot of energy, effort and investment to develop and maintain. You are very lucky to have those people in my life. It would be impossible to imagine life without those people, because they’re always there for you and they have shaped who you are. Life would be heartbreakingly meaningless if they weren’t a part of it. Cherish those people forever. People come and go. The special ones will stick around, because they care about you equally. They just want you to be happy, healthy and safe. The rest of the people you meet may make a small impact on your life, but probably will be insignificant big picture wise. So don’t worry or stress over that.

For now, just concentrate on the now. Now is in your power. You have the power. You are ready.

With Love,