Happy New Year, Universe and people of Earth!
The first 3 things I see are: Wealth, romance and success!
Well, I can't deny that I saw those 3 words first. I was in fact consciously searching for health, but found wealth. I must say I do need some wealth in my current state of my life right now. Which means I am determined to spend my money wisely and save efficiently. As for romance? Well, at least romance is not love, relationship or marriage. I'm open to romance. And as for success? I've been looking for success and to achieve my version of success for my whole life. I may have been procrastinating for the last years, but I think it has been a subconscious way to slow myself down, to allow myself the chance to learn, practice and then put that experience and knowledge into my ultimate goals in life. I believe wholeheartedly that I will achieve what I want in life. I believe!
We'll see what you've got in store for me, 2017. It's you and me, baby! Let's dance!