Inez Galvez is my New York partner in crime or partner in creativity. We're both just trying to MAKE IT IN AMERICA and in life basically. But who isn't, right? We're lost in a city where everyone is scrambling to get their work out there, to get work done, to get ahead and it can be a pretty exhausting process and journey. But everyday, we remind each other and ourselves that this tiredness, exhaustion, sleep deprivation and low bank accounts are part of the whole experience - we just have to keep our heads up and keep self-motivating and reassuring. I've had my share of self doubt and Miss Anne Hathaway said it best during her Golden Globes speech "Thank you for this lovely blunt object [referring to her award] that I will forever more use as a weapon against self doubt." Thank you, I will always remember those inspiring words.
Sometimes optimism doesn't come easily, especially when you're in one of the most competitive cities, where everyone is trying to make it as: a filmmaker, actor, designer, singer, dancer, artist, etc. How can one stand out? It's quite scary to think most people may end up not succeeding... it's like watching a reality show competition like Project Runway. You want all of them to do well and succeed, but there will only be one winner. Or rather twelve winners, twelve different seasons. So it's quite bleak if you think about it, but that's when I remind myself of Woody Allen's quote “If you’re not failing every now and then, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything innovative.” - Well, Woody, I'm trying. I'll embrace failure, so I know at least I'm trying to be innovative and hopefully one day, the hard work and perseverance will pay off and I may succeed.
Inez and I have plans to meet as frequently as possible for our #creativelunchmeetings, so we can catch up and make creative plans, brainstorm and make mind maps on her iPad (so much fun.) It is so great to know someone who is creative and motivated and Inez is a stellar example of a hardworking and inspirational designer. I really believe in her aesthetic as a designer and a human and I can't wait to see more of her work. I feel so lucky to help out and be part of her process and I found out just how much I enjoy fashion, when I accompanied her on her fabric sourcing day in the Garment District. *cough cough* Saw three Project Runway designers, all from the same season... weird.
I love fashion, maybe a bit too much sometimes, BUT I would NEVER work in fashion. It's almost like with film, I think the film industry can be a little... what's the word... I won't go into it here, but despite all the negativity that comes with the industry, I genuinely want to make films. But I digress. Even though I may not be a designer, I love fashion and I love seeing rolls and rolls of beautiful fabric, trimming, buttons, even zippers! We were on a hunt for something special for a special project that Inez is doing. Then we found the most amazing section of fabric and I just fell in love with this stunning brocade. And so marks my first ever purchase at Mood Fabrics. Thank you Mood! You will hear more about this in the near future. Stay tuned.
This sounds silly, but I really enjoyed our two hours at Mood and even though it was tiring, but I know tiring, I've PA-ed on film and tv sets and at least, we're indoors surrounded by pretty fabrics (avoid ugly fabric sections). I'm really looking forward to sharing our upcoming projects, because we mapped it out and I know that 2013 will be a productive and creative year for the both of us. And I know you have an awesome year ahead of you! More #creativelunchmeetings to come!